What is the Firewood Association of Australia Inc

The Firewood Association of Australia Inc. is a not for profit association established in 2005 to represent the commercial firewood supply industry in all states of Australia.

The purposes of the association are:

  1. To protect, enhance and improve the long-term sustainability of the Australian firewood industry;
  2. To promote association members as reputable suppliers of sustainable firewood under the Voluntary Code of Practice for Firewood Suppliers;
  3. To promote the use of firewood as a sustainable, greenhouse neutral alternative heating and cooking fuel;
  4. To facilitate communication between members of the Australian firewood industry;
  5. To represent members on issues affecting the firewood industry.

Application and qualification for membership is now FREE. To apply Click here .

If you are involved in the firewood industry and want to know why you should join Click here

To download a copy of The Code Practice  Click here