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What is the Firewood Association of Australia Inc

The Firewood Association of Australia Inc. is a not for profit association established in 2005 to represent the commercial firewood supply industry in all states of Australia.

The purposes of the association are:

  1. To protect, enhance and improve the long-term sustainability of the Australian firewood industry;
  2. To promote association members as reputable suppliers of sustainable firewood under the Voluntary Code of Practice for Firewood Suppliers;
  3. To promote the use of firewood as a sustainable, greenhouse neutral alternative heating and cooking fuel;
  4. To facilitate communication between members of the Australian firewood industry;
  5. To represent members on issues affecting the firewood industry.

Application and qualification for membership is now FREE. To apply Click here .

If you are involved in the firewood industry and want to know why you should join Click here

To download a copy of The Code Practice  Click here

Latest Important Articles

The FAA has recently published a report on the 3-year wood smoke reduction project that it carried in The Hills Shire in the north west of metropolitan Sydney.  The project succeeded in achieving its aim, which was to provide...
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Are you a smoker? if you are – now is the time to quit. No, we’re not talking about cigarettes!  We want to put an end to smoky chimneys. Here at the Firewood Association we love our wood fires, as we are sure you do too. ...
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Latest News

The Local Government Guide for the Reduction of Smoke from Wood Heaters has been sent out to around 400 councils around Australia.... Read more
The FAA has recently published its final report on the 3-year wood smoke reduction project that it carried out in The Hills Shire ... Read more
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